
Monday, March 21, 2011

A Bit of a Robotics Update, and Some Other Loose Ends

So! I'm back, and stuff.

Remember FIRST? Well, our first competition is in a week and a half, and I'm super-duper excited. Not much else as happened recently, though.

Except for track! I'm running with my team (110 people... wow!) this Spring, and it's my first season, much like how last Fall was my first Cross-Country Running season. I'm probably going to be running Mid-Distance (One mile), although my coach may say otherwise, telling me to do Long (Two miles) and I won't have much say in the matter.

Oh, and check out Hyperbole and a Half if you haven't already. The posts are about as frequent as mine (...hooray?) but they're utterly hilarious, with MSPaint-y images to match. I've been getting many chuckles through that recently.

Oh, and if you're in to Team Fortress 2 and have been living under a rock, congratulations! I presume you've crawled out; start your adventure by heading over to Ubercharged. It's a community blog with tons of Team Fortress 2, with all sorts of rants, guides, rants, tips, rants, and random videos. (Toast!)
