
Friday, August 19, 2011

So, It's Been Four Months...

...and I've got some things I'd like for you to look at.

But first, what have I been up to? What have I been doing?

Well, in July I was a Junior Counselor at a YMCA day camp for four weeks. Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Anywhere from three-to-eleven-year-olds.
Children are exhausting things, you know that?

This month I haven't had a lot going on. On Saturday I'm going up to Grand Marais for the week and I'm extremely excited for that.
I've been doing Cross-Country at my high school again. Early morning practices are tiring but I'm loving it so far.

What have I been watching? What have I been listening to?

I saw Inception for the first time a few weeks ago. It blew my mind and kind of creeped me out. My mind re-blew when I learned that the opera song that plays so the dreamers know to leave is the only song in the soundtrack - the really slow, boomy, dramatic music is just the previously mentioned song slowed down by about four times.
What, don't believe me?

I've also been listening to a lot of:
Right Said Fred - Dance/Pop.
The Prodigy - Electronic.
Dubmood - Chiptunes.
Dave Brubeck - Jazz.
Boards of Canada - Electronic. Look at Pete Standing Alone. I just found it today!
Recession Music - Hip-hop. It's a free album that's actually decent rap. "Rocketman" is a particular favorite of mine. I love how he speaks in his tunes.
Random things that catch my eye

I've also got some Youtube videos I think you should watch.
First, some fantastic Team Fortress 2 clips from consistently great editors:

And, of course, just some darn good gameplays/low-edited frag videos:
Point people there if anyone tells you that the Pyro is a horrible class and that you simply can't go above noobish with it.
And here's my channel -

What have I been playing? What silly games have I been keeping myself busy with nowadays?

Monopoly. Quoridor.

Frozen Synapse.

(I'm going to try to get a few screenshots throughout a game and try to explain what I'm thinking, so expect me to elaborate on this later.)
It's a mind-blowing squad-based, turn-based top-down shooter in which, since people die extremely quickly, thinking is far more important than firepower. It's gotten rave reviews and fully deserves them all. It's made by mode7 games, and you can pick it up here (The official website) or here (Though Steam). Their official website can be found here. Keep in mind that you can only buy two-packs, but that's all for the better - the multiplayer is wonderful and this guarantees you a partner - or nemesis. 

 Green's in trouble unless they can get behind cover and fast.
                                                   Out for PC and Mac. 
Team Fortress 2.

I love the game, which is why it infuriates me so often - I don't like where it's going and am a stron believer in change though complaining construcive critisism. Expect rants on this fantastic, tooth-grinding game within the next few weeks.

Damn right he's that intimidating.
Out for PC and Mac.

From Dust.

Or at least I've been trying to. Every time I try to launch it I get this extremely vague message:
"From_Dust.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvienence."
I'm working on fixing it and may need to contact support. I'd love to play the game and I really want to enjoy it - but enjoying it involves playing it and that's not happening.

And its DRM makes me cry. Read about the port and all its failures here, since I can't go into detail quite yet.

A PC gamer's reaction to the game's port.
Out for PC.


Where am I supposed to start with this? It's an abstract racing game that does a fantastic job of instilling a sense of speed. Its soundtrack is phenomenal. It has single-player and multiplayer. It has gorgeous art (in the form of the tracks). You can make your own maps, given you have the tools for it. You can install custom tracks and mods (making up for its meager offerings of four or five tracks.) 
Its slowest speed is "Fast" and its fastest is "Speed of Light".
It's free. Or not. It's out now, and you can pay what you want.

Since an image wouldn't do it justice, here's the trailer:

Go download it now.
Out for PC.

Expect updates on all previously mentioned items within the next few weeks. I'm going to Grand Marais for a few days tomorrow, though. I'll be back on the 25th of August and I'll do my best to hit the keys while I'm there, but I'm not making any promises.


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