
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Quick Notice

I'll be on vacation for an undefined amount of time in Grand Marais. I'm leaving tomorrow.

Cheers - have a good however long I don't hear from you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Current Addictions (Week 5)

I'm baaaack!

1) The Fact that I Totally Spaced on Last Week
Real life caught up.

2) Team Fortress 2
I know, I know. Fanboy. I know.

3) Wired Mag
It's fascinating. Check out

4) Picross
It's like paint-by-numbers on a grid, sort of. Check it out!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Current Addictions (Week 4)

Yo, it's me again!
I'm back from my trip and hopefully didn't miss much.
This one's going to be a "focused" one, with this topic being music.

Plus, I'm doing an experiment this week. I won't post descriptions - post your own in the comments!

1) "Silence" by Gomez

2) "I'm a Celebrity" by Right Said Fred

3) "So What" by Miles Davis

4) "They Don't Like Music" by the Black Eyed Peas

I'd like to see your opinions on what you, or I, may think of them!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Small Notice


I'm just letting you know that I'm going on a week-long trip in the Boundary Waters tomorrow - I won't have internet access there. So I'm off for a week.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Current Addictions (Week 3)

Yo. It's me again.

This still makes me laugh. Sorry if it's a bit small.

I' m sure you've heard of it, but this little gem can make me waste hours.

A great little article that uses logic to determine the best catch-phrase of a company, ever.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Current Addictions (Week 2)

Hurrah, a second week in a weekly thing!

1) Borrowed Time - Styx
I honestly don't know why I like this song so much. I just do, I suppose. These are the folks behind Mr. Roboto, if you recognize that song.

Shameless self-promotion for the win!

It's just the perfect parody of TinyURL - it's totally inconvenient, but hilarious.

A guy (presumably named Jim) puts up artwork that he's done on this site. It's got all sorts of variety and is overall fantastic. Swingsetasaurus at Sunset is a personal favorite of mine.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Photographs - Frans Lanting

Warning - this post is pretty image-heavy.

A nature photographer, Frans Lanting does some beautiful stuff. I shouldn't need to explain further.

The above photograph is one of ten I've selected for this post.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Current Addictions (Week 1)

Who knows, this may become a weekly thing.

Here's what I'm totally in love with this week:

1) Tower of Greed
It's pretty simple, and I'm sure most members of Kongregate have heard of it. The basic idea is to get as much money as you can in a tower full of increasingly dangerous areas. If you fall and die, you have to start over from scratch. So it's largely a game about luck, skill, and knowing when to say when.

2) Extremely cool wallpapers
I simply love looking at good artwork, digital or not.

3) Antarctica - Men Without Hats
I've recently gotten into The Silver Collection, which was made by Men Without Hats. This is definitely my favorite song from the album at the moment.

4) I Am A Bachelor - Right Said Fred
Another band with a one-hit-wonder (I'm Too Sexy), and another with great songs aside from that to boot. From "I'm A Celebrity", their album that was released in 2009.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Quick Introduction

"Hey look! It's a pig!"
Yup. That's me - on the internet, I'm known as oink (Kongregate, etc), I_Am_Oink (Spore, etc), and PigIsMySpecies (YouTube). So if you still think I'm human, re-read that last chunk of text.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, on to the blog! At the moment, I'm not sure what I'll post here. It'll probably whims and fancies and whatever catches my eye. I'll categorize it all nicely, though - so no eyesores here. Music, art, pigs, stories, websites, whatever! It's all open game.

So welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Abstract Barnyard!