
Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Quick Introduction

"Hey look! It's a pig!"
Yup. That's me - on the internet, I'm known as oink (Kongregate, etc), I_Am_Oink (Spore, etc), and PigIsMySpecies (YouTube). So if you still think I'm human, re-read that last chunk of text.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, on to the blog! At the moment, I'm not sure what I'll post here. It'll probably whims and fancies and whatever catches my eye. I'll categorize it all nicely, though - so no eyesores here. Music, art, pigs, stories, websites, whatever! It's all open game.

So welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Abstract Barnyard!


  1. He really is a pig... I've seen him... makes good bacon and he's really squishy... bad for exploding.

  2. How would you know - have you tried to explode me or something? I'm confused now.

  3. *applause*

    Hi, I'm your clone.

  4. Uh. Interesting introduction, I s'pose.
